Samarth Weaning Ceremony
Gorgeous little Champ.. Samarth, son of Yogesh Pun & Seema Ramjali Pun had a great weaning ceremony and have to say, he truly enjoyed the new taste. He definitely enjoyed that big piece of chicken.
It was a great opportunity for me to capture this moment for them and the little champ. All family members were gathered to grab the opportunity to give a small taste of different varieties of good to Samarth ( 84 to be precise all set for him, but of course not all for himself alone ).
It was a short quick ceremony but filled with cultural and traditional values. The happiness of all the family members truly filled the whole house. Sad that he got bit tired later and took off for a nap.
It was a great day overall. Hope the pictures that i have managed to capture will make their moment memorable for years to come ahead.
Thank you.